Starting Monday, March 10, you have a chance at winning $10,000!
10 Questions. 30 Seconds. ONE Letter!
Answer each question with the letter we give you – get them all right, and you’re in the draw for $10,000 CASH!
Here are the basic rules HOT 10 for 10K:
We will ask 10 Questions in 30 Seconds and you MUST answer with that play’s given letter. You can have one (1) pass ONLY per play. The DJ & Judges decisions are final, and we will accept the first answer only!
Think you have what it takes? Sign-up below and HOT 101-3 could be calling YOU next!
Use your own timer and practice questions below to see how you do!
Practice Questions:
This quiz starts with the letter S
You put these on your feet before shoes? Socks
You suck a drink through this? Straw
What rises in the east? Sun
Not pepper but…? Salt
Animal that stinks? Skunk
Female singer first name? Shania, Sabrina, Selena, Sia, Shakira, Sheryl, Stevie, etc
A way to cook eggs? Sunnyside Up or Scrambled
He lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob Square Pants
Frozen precipitation? Snow
When you are not in a relationship, you are…? Single